Информационно-аналитический выпуск Интернет-Собора, №33 (ВИДЕО)
Очередной выпуск Интернет-Собора посвящен празднованию Пасхи в Архангело-Михайловском храме в Одессе, на Украине. Торжества возглавил Первоиерарх РПЦЗ Митрополит Агафангел.
Автор: Митрополит Агафангел. Дата публикации: . Категория: РПЦЗ.
Очередной выпуск Интернет-Собора посвящен празднованию Пасхи в Архангело-Михайловском храме в Одессе, на Украине. Торжества возглавил Первоиерарх РПЦЗ Митрополит Агафангел.
Even on Pascha, he must earn his KGB internet-propag anda pay?
The historical Trojan Horse was made of wood, and it was hollow inside. It was not human, nor did it have a soul. It was a trick of warfare. (perhaps, as Putin trick, of his claims to be correct and just, his TRICK?... in militarily invading and trying to grab all of Ukraine?, in order to "protect Russian people & their culture and language from those nasty violent/'Nazi' Ukrainians"?
Beware, "Oleg", that you might be the same, as that old wooden Trojan Horse.[ soul-less,& irrational & inhuman].
But, regardless: To Putin's agent "Oleg" and to all, friends and enemies alike:
CHRIST IS RISEN! and the Devil and Death are defeated.
Rd. Daniel
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