РПЦЗ: Алексий Иванов рукоположен в сан диакона

В Одесском Архангело-Михайловском храме Митрополит Агафангел за воскресной Божественной Литургией постриг во чтеца, хиротенисал в иподиакона и рукоположил в сан диакона Алексея Сергеевича Иванова.



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# And in California, USA-Fr. Pablo Iwaszewicz-Rd. Daniel 24.08.2014 17:36
From the Western American diocese of ROCOR/MP, under San Francisco archbishop Kyrill-Dmitrief f, the former rector of their Concord, California, Mission of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg,(whi ch is east, across the bay from San Francisco), Fr. Pablo (Pavel) Iwaszewicz, at his petition, has been formally received into our ROCA.
His family and he come from Buenos Aires, Argentina, where his father and brother (Fr. Alexander) are ROCA priests under our Bp. Gregory of Sao Paulo and South America.
MNOGAYA LETA to Fr. Pablo!
Rd. Daniel in Oregon
# RE: And in California, USA-Fr. Pablo Iwaszewicz-Интернет Собор 25.08.2014 06:13
Это очень радостная новость. А где о. Павел будет служить?
# Dear internetsobor, this is not yet known-Rd. Daniel 25.08.2014 23:12
As of today, this information has not been made public, nor is it decided.
My impression is that Fr. Pablo must make his own decisions about all of this, in consultations with our Vladyka Andronik of course.
However, we do need a full time resident priest in our southern California parish of the Holy Trinity, in Oxnard...which is slightly north of Los Angeles, not far from the coast. And since it is largely a very Russian parish, it would benefit best, with a Russian speaking resident priest, and who serves in Slavonic and English. Most parishioners [actually a fairly large number of them] come up from Los Angeles for services, which is south of Oxnard.
They are, mostly, ROCOR members, who rejected that 2007 union, plus a few converts.
Rd. Daniel
But, so far, there is no official announcement being made.

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