РПЦЗ: Панихида об упокоении Евгения Магеровского

д-р Магеровский17-го января 2014 г. исполнилась пятая годовщина со дня смерти Д-ра ЕВГЕНИЯ ЛЬВОВИЧА МАГЕРОВСКОГО - полковника ген. штаба армейской разведки США.

По этому случаю была отслужена панихида в воскресенье 26-го января 2014г. после литургии (около 12 час дня) в храме преп. Сергия Радонежского в Толстовском Центре,


о чем заранее известили вдова, дочь, родственники и друзья покойного.

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# RE: РПЦЗ: Панихида об упокоении Евгения МагеровскогоEugene 28.01.2014 00:39
Книга Евгения Львовича "Государственны й террор в Советском Союзе" news.ruschurchabroad.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=210%3Asoviet-terror&catid=8%3Aanonce-person&Itemid=5&lang=ru

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# My memory of a good man, Professor Eugene Lvovich Magerovsky-Rd. Daniel Everiss 27.01.2014 23:17
From the early days, of the first signs of the gradual and non-public signs of the slowly unfolding betrayal of our old free ROCOR, to the KGB controlled, "Moscow Patriarchy' even as early as 2005 onward, a few of us began to smell the rat, and that included Professor Eugene Magerovsky, a highly educated European man, born in Prague, a life-long anti-Communist, [as were his whole family], a dedicated Russian patriot, to the real and noble old Russia], a sincere Orthodox Christian, and too, a loyal American citizen- America being his adopted land.
Little by little, Eugene began to publically expose, mostly on the internet, & mostly in Russian, some of the many dark facts and unpleasant truths about that gradual church betrayal.
He angered many.
That made him very unpopular with many, a lot of whom thought that we who were against that union with the MP, should just be quiet, not offend anyone, and then, maybe, all would turn out for the best, in the end, etc.[ as if my magic?].
It was my great privilege back then, to open daily phone communication with him, and for about a year and a half
up till he left this world, we daily shared church news via long phone conversations, and together we both did our best to fight the betrayal of ROCOR to the Communists.
As I frequently remember Servant of God, Eugene in my prayers, VECHNAYA PAMYAT!...and may he rest in Heaven with the saints! I also speak to him saying: "I miss you my dear friend, and our conversations, and I had hoped to speak with you for many more years, and learn so much more from you, but now I can't, and I am sad."
He had lived through so much history ion Europe, for one thing. He was a fountain of historical knowledge.
And, he early became a loyal supporter of our ROCA, under our Metropolitan Agafangel.
Eugene Lvovich Magerovsky was a noble Knight, a Truth teller, and so he was hated by many.
Now he has gone to be with the God of All-Truth, where truth tellers are welcome,
My memories of a GOOD MAN......
Rd. Daniel Everiss in Oregon
# RE: My memory of a good man, Professor Eugene Lvovich Magerovsky-Монахиня Вера 28.01.2014 11:48
Спаси Господи, Даниил!

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