Умер Глеб Подмошенский
Вчера, 30 июня, в Соединенных Штатах Америки в возрасте 80 лет отошел ко Господу монах Сербской Православной Церкви, ранее игумен Русской Православной Церкви Заграницей Герман (Подмошенский), сообщил «Русской народной линии» клирик РПЦЗ священник Андрей Руденко, лично знавший покойного.
Имя отца Германа (Подмошенского) хорошо известно всем почитателям Святых Царственных Мучеников, для популяризации подвига которых он очень многое сделал. Он был соратником и другом ныне широко известного в православном мире богослова и публициста иеромонаха Серафима (Роуза). Издававшиеся им журналы «Православное слово» и «Русский паломник», еще с советского времени распространявшиеся в России, были популярны среди интеллигенции, интересовавшейся историей Русской Церкви, русской духовности.
Упокой, Господи, почившего раба Твоего монаха Германа и его молитвами помилуй нас, грешных.
Биографическая справка (по материалам «Википедии»):
Отец Герман (в миру - Глеб Дмитриевич Подмошенский) родился в 1934 году в Риге. Его отец был репрессирован, сослан в Воркуту, где погиб от голода. Около 1942 года переехал с матерью в Германию, а затем в США, где чудесным образом обрёл веру в Бога.
В 1962 году окончил Свято-Троицкую духовную семинарию в Джорданвилле. Служил чтецом в православных церквях в США. В 1963 году вместе со своим другом Юджином Роузом по благословению архиепископа Иоанна (Максимовича) основал в США Свято-Германовское православное братство, активно занимавшееся миссионерской деятельностью.
В марте 1964 года вместе с Юджином открыл недалеко от собора в Сан-Франциско лавку «Православные книги и иконы», которая стала центром православного просвещения. С 1965 года вместе с Юджином занимался изданием журнала Свято-Германовского православного братства «The Orthodox Word» («Православное Слово»).
После кончины в 1966 году архиепископа Иоанна (Максимовича) по поручению Братства совместно с Юджином собирал сведения о чудесах, совершавшихся по молитвенному ходатайству святителя Иоанна. Впоследствии эти записи составили книгу «Летопись почитания Блаженного Иоанна».
Летом 1967 году Глеб и Юджин смогли купить участок земли в нескольких милях от небольшого городка Платина в Северной Калифорнии, где в 1969 году был основан скит Свято-Германовского братства (позднее скит был преобразован в монастырь). 14 (27) октября 1970 года принял монашеский постриг с именем Герман в честь канонизированного в том же году Германа Аляскинского.
В 1976 году возведён в сан иеромонаха. В 1982 году упомянут как игумен, настоятель Свято-Германовской пустыни в городе Платина (шт. Калифорния, США). При обители действовало церковное издательство. Братия пустыни обслуживала также две другие общины: церкви во имя иконы Пресвятой Богородицы «Споручница грешных» в городе Реддинг (шт. Калифорния, США) и часовню во имя Курской-Коренной иконы Знамения Пресвятой Богородицы в городе Вудборн (шт. Орегон, США).
В 1980-х годы участвовал в основании Ново-Валаамского монастыря на острове Еловом на Аляске. В общей сложности принимал участие в создании семи монастырей по всей Америке.
С уходом в иной мир в 1982 году иеромонаха Серафима (Роуза) в обители начались брожения и неприятности. Это привело к тому, что решением Духовного Суда Западно-Американской епархии от 16 июня 1988 года игумен Герман (Подмошенский) был лишён сана за нарушение целого ряда канонических правил. Многие знавшие игумена Германа люди считали обвинения в его адрес надуманными и клеветническими.
Не желая признавать лишения сана, вместе с насельниками Платины вышел из состава Русской зарубежной церкви и был принят Панкратием (Вриониосом) в юрисдикцию неканонической «Греческой Православной Миссионерской Архиепископии Америки».
В 1990 году возобновил издание журнала «Русский паломник», который печатался в дореформенной орфографии, став его главным редактором.
В 2000 году в связи с возникшим скандалом сложил с себя обязанности игумена монастыря. Осознав ненормальность пребывания в расколе, братия Свято-Германовской пустыни начала поиск пути к урегулированию их статуса. 28 ноября 2000 года братия обители была принята в общение в Сербскую Православную Церковь. Правящий епископ Иоанн (Младенович) признал лишение сана бывшего игумена Германа законным.
В последние годы проживал на покое в Свято-Серафимовском скиту близ Минеаполиса как простой монах. Будучи тяжело больным, не прекращал миссионерского служения, писал книги.
Обвинения делались и теперь продолжают делаться против тех, кто был за РПЦЗ или неприемлем для МП и властей Кремля. Поэтому к обвинениям нужно относиться осторожно и помнить, что «кто без греха первым кинь камень!» А по русскому обычаю: усопших судит Сам Бог!
Вечная память о. Герману и всем другим переводчикам православных богословских трудов, писателям-мисси онерам и да судит и наградит Господь их по заслугам за их труды.
Many of these confused people still think of him as a saint.
I predict that soon they will paint icons of him! and pray TO HIM.
Therefore, now at his passing from this world, we should indeed remember his good deeds, PRAY FOR HIS SOUL, but because of the tremendous evil that he also did, we dare not overly praise him, or elevate him as some sort of prophet-saint..
However, many will see him as a saint. That is why I give my testimony about him.
And those, as myself, who speak the truth about him, we are vilified and made to seem as liars.
Long ago, making an oath and kissing the Gospels and the Cross, in front of Vladyka Anthony(Medvede v), I gave my own personal sworn testimony, as did a number of others.
But I do not hate Herman, I feel profound sorrow for him.
He and I were close friends, long ago.
He had serious mental and spiritual unbalance.
In human affairs, there is a common tendency to...overly glorify the departed, and to brush over or ignore OR DENY their faults, and in some cases to even proclaim them as some sort of 'a saint'.
In this case of Herman (Gleb) Podmoshensky), only those who personally closely knew him [ and who suffered from him] and who have been in this Western US ROCOR diocese for many many years, as I have, can possibly know the full truth about him, good and bad,
Others, only hear pros or cons, [ gossip] from the mouths of others, and they do not know the full story.
He will no doubt be buried at Platina Monastery.
May God have mercy upon his soul!
We need to avoid false elders, and false prophets, in these terrible End times. (Fr, Herman himself, taught this warning!)
Gleb Podmoshensky, was among these false elders.
Rd. Daniel
Herman (Gleb) Pomoshensky, did indeed accomplish many wonderful things. I personally knew him and Fr. Seraphim.
But, little by little, Herman gave way to the lusts/passions of the flesh, His pride in being a highly respected, staretz/elder, grew and grew. Many young people looked on him and called him, 'our living saint'.
Thus, he harmed many weak souls, because he was not a saint, not at all.
And he showed many signs of some long term mental unbalance, from his tortured and chaotic childhood in soviet Latvia.
When he was called to give a defense for himself to our Archbishop Anthony (Medvedev), he refused to speak the truth or to repent.
He ended up having to be defrocked from ROCOR, and then he lead a bizarre schism, with himself as its head. He joined himself and his brotherhood to the strange cult, 'The Holy Order of Mans', and also under the vagante 'bishop', 'Met. Pangratios Vrionis". Later his own brotherhood rejected his control, and fled for refuge to the Serbian Patriarchate.
Regretably, I personally know too much about him, as I have suffered much abuse from him and his followers, because I told the truth to our Vladyka Anthony.
I hope that before he died, that he truly repented before God.
But for myself, I cannot say or sing, Vechnaya Pamyat for him.
He lead many astray and he caused a terrible schism in this western US ROCOR diocese.
His memory to me and to the many others he harmed, is a dark unpleasant remembrance.
He spent much of his confused life, in severe prelest/pridefu l delusions, thinking of himself as if he were 'a saint'.
Boston Abbot Panteleimon (Metropolous) and he, were two of the same type.
Rd. Daniel Everiss
but then died and went to Heaven.
It was Vladyka Anthony who totally supported, blessed in every way possible, and who ordered the Russian flock in San Francisco to help Platina monastery...for many years, with money, with materials, with their labor to build things there, etcv. I myself drove up to Platina much food donations[ donated by Russians in San Francisco]. and even some bells, from San Francisco.
Vladyka Anthony ordained both fathers, and anything that they requested of him, HE GAVE them!
He was their biggest friend and supporter on earth!
BUT, when Herman was called by him to come down to San Francisco, and give his response/defens e to the many testimonies against him, Herman refused, and started to label Vladyka, as 'the Devil'.
Even so, Vladyka Anthony gave Herman more than two years, before he had to suspend him, while the Synod in New York ordered him to defrock Herman, much earlier.
At the beginning of that whole scandal, Vladyka Anthony TOTALLY...was on Herman's side, and he suspected a KGB plot against his "holy Igumen".
Vladyka Anthony said: "How could an Igumen do such terrible things!? IMPOSSIBLE! This must be a KGB plot!".
But, Herman would not repent or tell the truth.
So, he constantly slandered Vladyka, and proclaimed him as evil, and a servant of Satan, etc. and one who wanted to destroy his monastery, etc.
He also taught his brotherhoo d[ mostly converts] and followers that ROCOR was an evil church, because they had persecuted his Vladyka John earlier (all exaggerated LIES!].
These were all total lies of a very in prelest deranged PROUD man, Herman Podmoshensky.
May God forgive him!
Rd./ Daniel
I was a witness of all this, so I know what I speak of.
ascetic struggler, a man of a very high intelligence, who knew a number of languages (in the church services, he could slip from Slavonic and back to English, without him even knowing any difference, he saw people and life, from a spiritual view, not a worldly or political one.
Fr. Seraphim saw himself as a sinful pilgrim, struggling with the passions of his flesh, JUDGING NO ONE BUT HIMSELF, and he always wanted to end up in the Heavenly New Jerusalem, with Our Lord and His saints. He did not belong in this world.
Herman was a man of this world, a self proclaimed, 'missionary'.
Fr. Seraphim did not seek or want, the praises of people, but Herman did.
Poor Herman, became envious of the real virtues of his monastic brother, and that people respected him.
Fr. Seraphim suffered because he knew of at least some of the secret sins of his brother, but....he refused to condemn or judge Herman, and he kept silence, publically.
However, there is evidence that Fr. Seraphim planned on leaving Platina monastery and his brother Herman, had he lived into another year, as he had had enough of Herman's
unrepentant life, and of Herman constantly making excuses for his sinful ways, etc.
When Fr. Seraphim died, and I was at his all night vigil over his coffin, and funeral on the following day, Herman was totally out of his mind with remorse and guilt and weeping and self-accusation , kneeling down many times at night, in front of the coffin and trying to tell Fr. Seraphim, that he was sorry, etc.
Fr. Seraphim had been the stronger one, the true monastic, and when he departed, Herman was like a ship with no rudder or captain at the wheel.
I can still see Fr. Seraphim's smiling peaceful face in his coffin.
MEMORY ETERNAL to a truly ascetic monastic struggler, Fr. Seraphim, and may he indeed be with the Saints in Heaven.
I firmly believe, that he is there.
Fr. Seraphim never spoke evil against Vladyka Anthony or our ROCOR.
But Herman, threatened to "get a gun and shoot Vladyka Anthony" .[ which threat was recorded on a tape-recorder].
Fr. Seraphim never spoke evil against ANYONE!
He carefully followed the old monastic rule to: "Be hard on yourself, but easy on others".
Herman's unrepentant life, that is what hurt and sickened him.
I was a witness to all of this, so I speak the truth.
Furthermore, I have hard evidence,[ gathered from different sources] that Fr. Seraphim was not guilty of the sins of his brother, as some foolish people who did not know him, have wrongly imagined.
Fr. Seraphim was, an angel the flesh.
Rd. Daniel
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